Château Camille Gaucheraud … The brothers Benoit and Freddy Latouche. Passion. Up in the morning at the crack of dawn gazing out at the vines. Passion. Day in and day out moving between the vines … pruning, tying, composting, on the tractor, leaf pulling and connecting with each and every one as though they were members of his family. Passion. In the cave, checking every barrel, every tank, every fermentation calculation … they are responsible for everything themselves. There’s no office staff. No marketing team. No import/export office. It’s the end of the day … now the night and with Benoit’s back aching, (he’s an unusually tall chap for a Frenchman, just a little shorter than me), his body full of fatigue and his mind exhausted, he opens a bottle from the back room. And he remembers. With the biggest of grins and the proudest of hearts … all of the fatigue, stress and worry disappears. Why you ask? Passion. Passion for the vigne. Passion for the wine. This is a part of himself … more than that … this is himself. And as he finishes the bottle with his lovely wife Anne he’s already excited for what’s to come … Tomorrow! It all begins again! Merci beaucoup Benoit pour une visite magnifique à Château Camille Gaucheraud! Amazing story (yes his great great grandfather really was called Camille!) … bio-organic … 35 hectares … Merlot, Cab Sav, Cab Franc, Malbec, Sav Blanc and a cheeky little plot of Viognier this is a MUST @manvswine visit!! So come one, come all. Taste the Passion! Découvrir! Drink well this Thursday and Santé! #camillegaucheraud #decouvrir #viognier #vinblaye #passion #instawines #laruscade #eleveenfutsdechene #chêne #allabouttheoak #readyforaction #tastethedifference #bio #organic #itsthefuture